Edit: I found that user's information (e.g. Ip addressed) stored and can be viewed from eye-shaped button but cannot be viewed in the data table and cannot be exported as Excel or csv files.
Include Ip address in the data base as I do not want people to submit the form more than once but activating the option of only one submission per Ip address, may make the user use VPN to submit multiple times. I just want the Ip address to be included in the data to filter the data after then, for example if the user submitted the form 20 times I will not show him a message that he can only submit one time but rather during analysis I will chose the first one and exclude the others and in this way I can know the duplicates without making users use VPN in which i will not know the duplicates. You can also add another column indicating if the response is duplicate or not to help people in analysis. In addition to that It would be better to do that in accordance to browser, like in some forms use cookies to prevent duplicates from the same browser, this will be helpful in institutional Wi-Fi like schools in which you will know the duplicates by seeing the response if it is from the same browser or not and also all of this without telling the user so that he not use another browser or use VPN